

前二回ではMike Basichのルーツについて紹介してきた。今回のMike Basichスペシャルインタビューはこれからマイクが何を目指し、どこへ向かうのかについて焦点をあてていく。

始めにデイビッド・ベネデックと共演した最新作「In Short」について尋ねた。これは5本の短編映像を一本のDVDにまとめたもので、マイクは最終章に出演している。今作も再びアラスカを舞台に、前作「91 Words of Snow」とは全く異なるストーリーを完成させた。

Welcome back for part three of our special interview with Make Basich. In parts one and two we learned a lot about Mike’s history and roots, now it is time to take things into the future to see where Mike is heading. First let’s talk about his latest project with David Benedek. It is a new movie called “In Short” which is a series of five short films about Snowboarding combined into one DVD. Mike stars in the final short of the film. Although the location is again Alaska, the resulting story and film are very different from “91 Words for Snow. photo-mike3

Interviewer / English text : Neil Hartmann / Japanese text : TAK


vol3title_01「In Short」では前作と同じアラスカに行って、ドキュメント形式の撮影をしたかったんだ。ライディングだけじゃなくて実際の旅そのものを映像に収めたくてね。スノーキャンプをしたりスノーモービルに乗ったり、とにかくアラスカで普通にやってること撮影したよ。このシーズンにサミットって名前の犬を飼い始めたんだけど、一緒に連れて行ったんだ。サミットにとってのスノーボードデビューだよ!まぁ同時にトレーニングでもあっただけどね。けっこうイライラさせられたこともあったけど、余計に『思い出の旅』って感じだったね。vol3title_13We wanted to do the AK trip again so for “In Short” we did a one-trip type documentary style filming. The film is more about the actual trip rather than just the riding. We did snow camping and snowmobiling and filmed more of what we normally do there. I had just gotten my dog Summit that season so I took her up there on the trip and that was her introduction to Snowboarding! That was a whole other training lesson on the side, she drove me nuts at times, but it was a memorable trip!

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vol3title_02In Short ではできたね。それと同じように91 Wordsでもヨーロッパまで行って編集に立ち会いたかったんだけど、91 WordsはあくまでもBlank Paper Studioの作品だから口をはさまなかったんだ。vol3title_14For “91 Words” I wanted to fly to Europe and sit down with them to edit, and I would have done the same with “In Short,” but it is their (Blank Paper Studio’s) project so I left that to them.




Mike seems to want to really share his true nature through whatever it is he does. He doesn’t want his style or personality put through an editors filter. I can sense that it is a difficult issue for him.

Even with photos in magazines, I can control how the photo looks but I can’t control the words that describe the photos and things always get shifted. It has always been a struggle for me to decide whether I should continue doing this, or do I just put my photo on my wall and leave it at that. I like sharing what I do, but I want to make sure that my true self gets put on paper so that people can really know about me….



誰かの下で働くのはかなり難しいかな。青く塗られたものを渡されたとしても、それに何かしたいとは思えないんだ。それってもう完成してるものでしょ。もし誰かに何かを作ってほしいって頼まれて、その人が「こんな生活を楽しんでるんだ」とか「こんなことしたいんだ」とかって教えてくれるとするだろ、そんな状況なら創りだすプロセスごと思いっきり楽しめるね。こういうのが僕の生き甲斐ってこと。vol3title_15It is very hard for me to work for someone. If someone hands me a blueprint of something I don’t want to build it…. It is already drawn out. If someone asks me to build something and just tells me what they enjoy in life, and what they would like, then I get very excited about the developmental process, which is what I live for.



vol3title_16I would say it was more of a natural instinct that follows how I was brought up. If you look at people like Ken Block or Mike Olson, their success involves a lot of people, and I have always been more driven by the individual side or things. In that area there is really only room to be successful within oneself. I own a company, but the focus is within me. If I didn’t focus so much on myself, I guess I would be someone like Ken Block. In that way the energy gets spent to sell more of something or grow something other then me. I guess you could say that I am selfish (laughing). Everybody knows that if you want to teach someone or help someone, you first have to work on yourself, before you can begin to help others.

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どんなことでも僕は新しい物を創りだすことを楽しんでる。その中で服とアウターウエアは他と違うものだったり、より良いもの、進歩したものを創ることにエネルギーを注いでいるよ。もし売ることに情熱を持ててたらもっと大きい会社になってたかもね。僕はただ成長と進化を楽しんでるし、それこそ僕が人生を傾けていることだね。vol3title_17The part I enjoy is pushing to make something new no matter what it is and the clothing and outerwear is where I spend my energy trying to make something different and better and to progress. If I had a passion to sell more of the product, I would probably have a bigger company. I just enjoy the progression and the growth that is where I spend my time.



vol3title_18Well, part of it I don’t know. (Mike laughs.) What I do see in the future is this place, which has been a dream of mine since I was about eleven years old. vol3photo_04





Mike points to a picture of his latest project, the house he has built by hand over the last year and a half. It is a stunning stone and wood structure designed and built by Mike. He actually took the dimensions of his body, from feet to head and out stretched arms and scaled that up to make the blue print of the house! You could say the house is truly Mike Basich. The view out his windows looks across the valley to Sugar Bowl and Squaw Valley.

I see myself spending a lot more time there and building a lot of stuff. My next summer project is to build a towrope, which is going to be powered off the creek so it is going to be an eco lift. I am going to try and get a group of friends together to come and work on that project with me to create my own little resort. I have always wanted to build my own house and be off the grid, create my own electricity. Since snowboarding is such a big part of my life, of course I wanted to have some kind of lift access. I am hoping to share the whole process of what I am doing though some kind of possible film documentary project, I would like to make a 241 video that shows the area as well as the step-by-step process that shows the building of the lift and my life in general. I hope that something like that could perhaps influence other resorts to make changes. Sugar Bowl, which is right across the valley from my property, uses all wind power electricity to run their lifts!
The last year and a half I have spent a lot of thought on how to make my life more efficient. Traveling and competing has been a lot of fun, but looking back, it was not that efficient. It’s been a struggle for me to change my life, you could say slowing down. That has made me feel more efficient, by spending my time more wisely. So I want to put in a towrope, but as for the photography, I am not sure how far I am going to take it. If it feels like there is no more space to be creative with it, then I will probably shift into something else.

2014-11-23_2347 1 2 3 2014-11-23_2348 2014-11-23_23494 5 6 7 8 2014-11-23_2350 2014-11-23_23519 10 11 12 13 14 2014-11-23_235315この一年半は人生をより効率的にするにはどうしたらいいのか考えることに時間を費やした。スノートリップも大会もすごく楽しかったけど、思い返すとそんなに効率的じゃなかったんだ。今は、もっとゆっくりとした生活に変えようとしてがんばってる。それからだね、時間をより賢く使うことが効率的に感じるようになったのは。どこまで仕上げられるかはわからないけど、写真撮影と同じように、時間をかけてでもリフトを作りたいんだ。いろいろ作ってスペースが足りなくなったら、その時は何か他の事をするよ。




vol3title_20I don’t have any regrets, but I’ve definitely had times that were tough. I think regrets occur only when you don’t learn anything from a mistake. Everything I do is usually a lesson towards becoming something better. Every experience is there for some reason. I wouldn’t do anything different in a big way. I kind of wish that my whole Area 241 project had happened earlier, but I think it took me this long to know where it was supposed to happen. It is one of those things that I am so excited about that I wish it had come about sooner. But at the same time I know that if it had happened sooner it would not be the same.vol3photo_05

→SBN digital catalog “241”→241オフィシャル サイト


vol3title_23No, I quit last summer, about a year ago. Right now I am working on a new project, which I can tell you a little bit about. I am going to the mill the wood for the cores from trees that are already dead on my property. I am going to try and make a pure “Eco” board.









Recently I ride half of the time with a camera in my hand, not knowing what might happen. I have had a digital camera for the last two seasons, which has been great, because I can see what I have shot right away. Now half of my photos are random shots that I just try and the others are projects that I have an idea for and I will build something like a rail and might spend a week to get one photo.

Last year I did not shoot many of those project type shots, I spent most of my energy building my house. Now that is almost done so this winter I am hoping to tackle some more projects and probably put it more on film rather then still photos.

Mike pauses for a moment, and then before I can ask another question he makes the most profound comment of the interview.

I had a real moment of clarity this last summer. Every year I have a big camp out at my property, and this last summer there were lots of people there. During that time I had a moment of clarity where I realized that this year is probably the poorest I have ever been, but the richest I have ever felt. Rich because of what I have in my life, a lot of which is people and the relationships that I have built over the years. My dream home is coming to reality, so it has been a very neat year for me. It is moments of clarity that only seem to come when you are stripped of something, like money, so that you can stand back and get a good look at your situation in life.

vol3title_21Very underground! People are drawn to the product because of the quality. I have never really studied other outerwear until this year. People were so amazed at the quality of the 241 wear that it made me want to check other brands and I realized there was a huge difference in quality. This winter I have 9 or 10 shops that are going to sell 241 in the US. I make sure that each shop has a large area; only one shop in each city can sell 241. I don’t want the shops competing with each other and the shops appreciate that loyalty.

vol3title_10最初はいつも商品の値が張りすぎるって言われる。「一番高いものじゃない」って似たような値段のジャケットと比べて違いを教えてあげるよ。最大の壁は、雪の寒い中で最高クオリティのウエアを着てもらうこと。一回着ちゃえばクオリティーの低いものには戻れないから。中がすかすかの板に乗るよりもいい板に乗るのと同じ。ピントとフェラーリに乗るくらいの違いがあるよ。(ピント:Pintoは軽自動車のような激安のアメリカ車)年毎に新しいウエアを買い変えるんじゃなくてクオリティの良いものを5年着てもらうことが目標だね。vol3title_22At first the shops always say the product is expensive, but I tell them that it is not the most expensive wear, and then I show them the difference between similarly priced jackets. The biggest struggle is getting someone to wear a high quality piece of outerwear in the snow and cold. Once they do that they will never go back. It is just like riding a good snowboard rather then a foam core snowboard. There is such a difference, like driving a Ferrari compared to a Pinto (a pinto is a super cheap American car like a “kei jidosha”). The goal has always been to make a high quality product so that people can buy something and wear it for five years and not have to buy a new set of wear every year.


At this point our interview turns into a conversation and we continue to discuss a variety of subjects, while munching on some Japanese chocolate snacks. Even though this is the first time I have met Mike, I feel as though I have known him for a long time. His gentle manner, and friendly way of sharing what he does probably makes everyone feel like that. After we shake hands and say goodbye I spend the rest of the day thinking about many of the things he said. I am happy that one of my snowboard heroes turned out to be even more than I ever expected. After 22 years of snowboarding myself, sometimes I feel as if snowboarding does not seem to have the mentors it needs anymore, like Craig Kelly. After talking with Mike I feel great knowing that he is going to be there leading the way for those who like a little more soul with their snow. Whether it is outerwear design, eco boards, photography, or home building, Mike has a lot to share and we all have a lot to learn from him.



Special Thanks
NAOMI / Mr. / ATSU / 3rd eYe’s DESIGN


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