バートンの新しいスプリットボードやファミリースノーボードに迫るDave Downingインタビュー

バートンの新しいスプリットボードやファミリースノーボードに迫るDave Downingインタビュー




Please introduce yourself and explain your role at Burton Snowboards

まずは自己紹介とBurton Snowboardsでどのような事に携わっているかを教えて下さい



I’m Dave Downing and I’m 46 years old. I have been snowboarding since 1990, and since I stop being a professional snowboarder, the last 3 or 4 years I have been involved with Burton in a lot of different roles, sales and marketing, I do lot of a grass roots marketing. I work with retailers in North America. Yeah All North America. Including Canada. Mainly like snowboard specific stores.


Retail Marketing. And Grass Roots marketing. And Split board yea, I still involved with product development too. But I mostly with Marketing stuff like grass roots marketing, events, I work with closely work with lot of reps in United States. But uh with split boarding, it’s something that I like to do. And uh I have been involved lot of product. Yeah, that’s about it.




I guess you are pretty busy, aren’t you ?




Yeah busy. I work with Channel Island too in the Summer and spring, I do a lot of marketing with Channel Island, and winters are snowboarding marketing.


My schedule are crazy you know, but I try surf everyday.






How much are you riding these days?




I would say… Let’s see It’s January and I probably ridden about 20 days so far this year. Last year I probably rode 45days to 60days maybe?

Lot of my snowboarding is done with retailers. Snowboard retailers like.. You know you guys saw. Lot of my times doing that, I don’t spend much time snowboarding by my self, but I ride with my family. So either I ride with my retailers or with my family.





Where are you normally riding? And who with?




Nowadays I don’t have a normal place but, either like Big Bear or Mammoth in California, Like if I go with my family, Big Bear. My kids love to go there, but un I ride there a lot. I have been riding there for 24 years. So I have a pass there for 24 years. And I really like Lake Tahoe , but it hasn’t been that good last few years. And the rest of my times I have been traveling Utah, Colorado, Canada, riding with my people, but I would say my local is Big Bear.



And  I have two boys 10-year old and 9-year old. And Sharon, my wife we ride together.




They love snowboarding?




Yup, and surfing too. I skateboard a little bit. Yeah. My kids skateboarding little bit.





Who is the most talented snowboarder you had ridden with?




Oh Terje for sure. Without the doubt. On the snow, he is the best snowboarder ever.


Un, I probably met Terje 96 maybe? Yeah he was pretty young, yeah.

I rode with him last year in Tahoe. Actually in his Burton movie last year, I helped him get all those shots, I guided him in Tahoe. And those are all shots I read it. We had three days to go, and those are all of it from those three days.





Where was the favorite location to ride in Japan?




Yeah, I would say either like Tenjin or Seki Onsen. I like down here more than Hokkaido.

It’s less crowded I think, maybe? Seems like Hokkaido get more tracked out. And more of the crazy scene. And down here, nobody. So I like that.

天神か関温泉?だね。北海道よりもいいよね。そんなに混んでない感じもあるし、ね?  北海道はすぐトラックだらけになるし。それにもっとクレイジーだよね。でもこっちの方は、誰もいないよね。だから好きだな。




Are you developing & testing Burton split snowboard?




Yeah and another boards too. I mean the split boards, shapes come out from regular line. Yeah, like Family Tree. I still work pretty close to work with JG, and uh, he is the main guy for Burton Hardgoods, and I have a good relation ship with him. We actually developing couple split boards in Family Tree line, but yeah that’s mainly what I do.






Please explain new features of 2014-15 split board.




So the new Channel System. That’s the Biggest newest thing we have. And also like the collaboration with Spark R&D. So That’s the binding and split board has the channel links comes with the pucks, and it’s just a incredible system , very easy to set up, cuz that was always really hard with the Voile puck and inserts and it’s almost like a puzzle to get the right. My stance never be the exactly what I wanted.

And this, you just un-screw and you get anything you want.  It’s better to get change, and for me, personally, to get the stance dialed on splitboard. I think for the industry it’s huge because you able to demo these boards to people.

Because before, once you set it up to goofy foot, you can’t really change to regular foot that easily, but this system takes like a minute. You can just Shoot shoot! Change it you know. Lot of shops in the States are able to Demo, and rent split board out to get more people involved to this sports. It’s something for spilt board you don’t know if you gonna like it. But if shop can demo it, and let people try it first. It’s huge.







How easy?




Super easy. I can show you later.

It’s great I mean. If you are riding split board in powder, you can’t feel the difference. I can’t you know. And that’s the only time that I’m riding the split board.  And what I really like a bout split board is once you going up on you board, you coming down on the same thing. You don’t have to carry a board. It’s incredibly easy hike to hike and walk around.

Some days I don’t even take runs, I just skin around take one run and. But I just like walking around in the back country make it so easy to do that you know. Cuz you don’t have to pick your feet up, you just sheww sheww.




And this binding is incredible. The is no more removable pin you know. It has a internal pin system in it. Yeah, I can show later. It’s super easy to use. And the performances are really stiff tray so that’s where you getting a lot of integrity on the board, is the threw this binding system.

Last year was my first year riding the system. Just change the system you know. I can show you the video. I mean it’s a riding video, uh I can fin it and forward it to you. You can put it on your web site, if you want. I will forward it to you. But It’s a video of my self, on like a Gopro you know, and uh, It’s just me going out putting it together take a run, going up taking a run putting them back together then. It’s a simple video. About 5 minutes, but It’s shows you what we can do. That’s what it is.







By using split board, Did you feel new possibility of backcountry snowboarding?

If so, what is it?




I mean, when I first started riding a split board was probably 96 and, yeah and it just opened everything up. I was living in Utah at that time, and it just allowed me spend a whole day in a backcountry. Hiking around without getting tired. So just changed everything really. And before I used to live near Brighton and I do this hike and maybe I get two runs a day, and slpitboard I get like 8. And I wasn’t tired. So It changed a lot.

And uh I forget but probably it was 96 or 97 when develop the first Burton Split Boards, you know. It’s a yellow and red one, remember that? It was the first, and I was filming the, it was TB 9 video part in that. So every shot in that movie was on split board. And I did that because to show to people this is what you can do on a split board.

You know, but it’s uh, split board is a great thing for people ride more powder and they wanna have a very like a mellow experience in a backcountry. Very easy, with couple of friends, skin up with them, ride down, skin back up, ride down. It’s a good day. Riding powder. Like low stress you know. That’s what I like about it.




Yeah it’s really good, and in Japan it’s seems like really good you know. Because on the split board you don’t really need to go ride really gnarly terrain. It can be just trees, Skin up, ride trees down. That’s the best part.






Like early 90’s, many young people starts snowboarding, and now some of them have own family.

It means there are new snowboarding scenes and lifestyles have been born. What are you thinking about family snowboarding?




It’s a good question. I think about a lot. You know a lot of friends of mine, or people in 90S who were getting into a snowboarding, like when they were 18 or 19 years old whatever, you know it was a big snowboarding boom. And then now 2014, and those people might be 35 years old and they have a job and kid now. Maybe they don’t even snowboard that much, cuz thay have other responsibilities in life. And they are not gonna like leave the family and go snowboarding by them selves.

But I’m trying to encourage people to bring your family to snowboarding because it’s a best experience I have ever had, riding with my kids, like helping them learning snowboard and falling love with them. Like first two years were very hard, like they take like one run and go like “ oh my hands are cold! I wanna go into the lodge!” But now they are old enough and are riding. Like Shannon and I go up, get off chair lift and buckle them self and take off riding. We just follow them. It’s the best experience ever. So we can try to encourage that and help promote that by showing people that.

We have done a couple of things on burton.com. Last year, um Jeremy Jones family, they snowboard and they have two kids. We did photo shoot at North Star, and my family and Jeremy’s family we all snowboarding having a good time. That’s what I think we need. Cuz peole that learned in the 90s, snowboarding is still the passion and the love if they know how to do it with their family.  Cuz they are still snowboarders, even though 35 years old. I’m 46 and I’m gonna be a snowboarder for ever. And hopefully I’m gonna be able to teach my grand kids how to snowboard, and have a good time with my grand kids.






What is the important things for kids to enjoy snowboarding?

If you have any personal ideas from your experience, please let us know





So It’s a family snowboarding , it’s like un.. For me it’s like a going backcountry for the first time. Still unknown you know. How do I do it? How do I teach my kids snowboarding.

But once I start doing it,  Figuring out and having those experiences with my kids. It a best experiences you can have on pow. I just want my kids spend more time out. I don’t want then stay home and playing around with iPhone or whatever. I want them to go out, snowboarding, be active.





How do you manage your snowboarding and work?




It’s work but it’s my life. I feel very blessed to be able to involved with snowboarding. Cuz I love it you know. It’s just I love to do.


It’s a balancing act you know. Because..Yeah working is a important thing, but family is way more important so.  It’s just a balancing.  You have to work but ,I mean how important is it. How many hours you have to spend working.

Yeah yeah, lot of times I’m fortune I can bring them on trips maybe. And get them involve you know. Un, on the weekends, instead of me going snowboarding by my self, I go snowboarding with my family. Does that make sense?

Because if I was being selfish, I leave my family going snowboarding by myself, but that’s not the best thing, and also I found that going snowboarding with my family is more fun, than me going snowboarding backcountry by my self. I found I really really love it. You know.



Look I have photos of my kids I show ya.

So that’s Dylan, he is a , He is 9. Yeah, it’s at a Big Bear. And that’s Logan. Yeah they are goofy.  That’s my kids.



That’s me on the chair lift with my kids.  So it’s fun you know. Oh here you go. It’s my family. That’s right by our house. Surfin.


I just try to keep them active you know.  But the family snowboarding is a big thing I think.


For Burton, you know we make products for everybody, woman, kids, man and… I think we should show to the world like “ we go snowboarding with our family!”

Jake! He goes snowboarding with his kids. Why doesn’t everybody go snowboarding?





What is your most monorable snowboard?




Most memorable, I don’t know.. Probably the first Custom 59 I have, which is the the one with red bottom and Pegasus horse on the bottom. That’s probably most memorable but uh, …Ahhhh The Root, the board Root, that’s my most favorite board 148. It changed my whole view of snowboards.  Probably the Custom 59 and the Root. Those are most memorable.

一番思い出があるボード。うーん、判らないな。多分1996年モデルのCUSTOM 159かな。ベースが赤で、ペガサスが描いてある。それが一番思い出のあるボードかな。

あとはThe ROOT そうROOT。148はお気に入り。スノーボードの見方をガラッと変えたよ。CUSTOM 159とROOT。それが思い出のあるボードだね。

Cuz I rode, Customs for long time and then. I like riding some other boards too.  Like Big Bear, like small jibby board. And uh, I really love the new Land Load. It’s a great board.


Flight Attendant, Very similar. It’s a little softer than Land Load, but the Flight Attendant is a really good board. Perfect Japan Board.

Flight Attendantも良く似てる。Landlordよりも少し柔らかめ。でもいいボードだよ。日本で使うボードとしてはパーフェクトだね


Interviewed by
