UNION BINDING COMPANY(ユニオン・バインディング・カンパニー)

Location:Category:Binding Performance:Freestyle:All-Mountain:Freeride:Binding Flex:Binding Weight:Technology:Disk: Compatibility: New:Cadet XSYouth©Core SRL.Total Binding Models: 20 +TEAM +APPROACH +INNOVATIONAdditional Information:Real ankle straps, real toe straps, and a heelcup that adjusts with growing feet. The Cadet XS is the best youth binding available on the market today. Binding includes resuable Union kids lunch box. BASEPLATE: BUSHING: HEELCUP: HIGHBACK: ANKLE STRAP: TOE STRAP: RATCHETS: FLAD: HARDWARE:DISK COVER:CANTING:STRAP ADJUST:Universal Disk - V2S5 XS DuraflexEXT Thermoformed EVAExtruded 3D AluminumCadet XS DuraflexForma XSTS 1.0 UltragripAluminumTool-LessGrade 8.8 SteelNoNoTraditional2x4GOODSOFT530gMEDIUM4x4Channelunionbindingcompany.com3DBESTSTIFFalternate COLORSBlackSIZE: XSWhiteSIZE: XSYellowSIZE: XS2022/23Digital Overview 3/10UNION BINDING COMPANYCADET XSMini Shredders

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