UNION BINDING COMPANY(ユニオン・バインディング・カンパニー)

Location:Category:Binding Performance:Freestyle:All-Mountain:Freeride:Binding Flex:Binding Weight:Technology:Disk:Compatibility:New:FalcorFreestyle ©Core SRL.Total Binding Models: 20 +TEAM +APPROACH +INNOVATIONFor the biggest lines and the steepest spines, this is the binding that the legendary Travis Rice trusts every time he straps in. BASEPLATE: BUSHING: HEELCUP: HIGHBACK: ANKLE STRAP: TOE STRAP: RATCHETS: FLAD: HARDWARE:DISK COVER:CANTING:STRAP ADJUST:Mini DiskS6 Duraflex CBFused Vaporlite +Extruded 3D AluminumFalcor Forged Hybrid 2.0Exoframe 5.0TS 4.0 SLMagnesium S1 w/ Aluminum BaseClassicGrade 8.8 SteelNon-Stick EVAYesTool-Less2x4GOODSOFT800gMEDIUMChannelunionbindingcompany.comBESTSTIFFalternate COLORSBlackSIZE: m-lSatelliteSIZE: m-lYellowSIZE: m-l2022/23Digital Overview 7/10UNION BINDING COMPANYFALCORTravis Rice Pro Model

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